Rabbi Natan Scholar in Residence in Woodstock, NY this Weekend
This Weekend, March 23 – 25,Organic Torah’s Rabbi Natan Margalit will offer a weekend of Organic Torah at Kehillat Lev Shalem, the Woodstock Jewish Congregation of Woodstock, New York.
Location and Contact Information: 1682 Glasco Turnpike Woodstock NY 12498 Phone: (845) 679-2218 Fax: (845) 679-6904 info@wjcshul.org
Details of the weekend:
- Organic Torah: Living Wisdom for a Complex World with Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Natan Margalit: Please join in on March 23-25, 2012 at the WJC. What is Organic Torah? The world is starting to shift. For too long we have asserted mastery over the world by breaking things down, trying to reduce our world to a predictable machine. We have achieved much with this way of thinking but we are now seeing its limits: climate change, unstable economies, and spiritual alienation. People are beginning to realize that the world comes alive when we pull together naturally, organically, instead of tearing apart. Judaism has a unique contribution to make in this global shift, because Judaism — never really in sync with modern, mechanical thinking — has been organic all along. Organic Torah brings Judaism forward as a leading voice and inspiration in the vital paradigm shift that can literally save our world, and help us come alive to our deepest selves. Friday evening, March 23, 7:30 pm Introduction to Organic Torah – When we see the Judaism is an organic system like a forest or a village, we shift perspectives, bringing to life not only Jewish learning but also helping us see our whole world in a new light. This teaching will take place during our Kabbalat Shabbat service. Shabbat morning, March 24, 10:00 am D’var Torah on Vayikra: We’ll look at the Torah portion of VaYikra, Leviticus, and see how the center of the Torah focuses us on the most mundane, material parts of our world, and how that can bring us to the deepest spiritual insights. Shabbat Lunch and Learn, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm What is Eco Kosher? One of the most important issues of our day is food: how it is produced, what we eat, and how it makes us feel. From our national health care budget to global climate change, our decisions about food are central. Reexamining the ancient kosher laws we find that, far from being a mere technical discipline, they contain vital ethical teachings that can add a unique Jewish voice to this conversation. Please bring a vegetarian/dairy dish to share. Sunday, March 25, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Organic Torah in the Talmud. We will look at some classic talmudic texts from the point of view of Organic Torah. When we try to impose a mechanical logic to these texts, they seem either ridiculous or boring. But, looked at organically, finding the patterns, the texts come alive.