Why Neo-Hasidism?
An article from Spectrum: A Journal of Renewal Spirituality
I used to be one of those spiritual seekers who loved to daven at the Breshlav shul in Old Katamon in Jerusalem. Friday night there was like a taste of heaven. The pure sounds of Lecha Dodi opened our hearts and our faces shone with delight. This was truly Shabbat! Of course, there were more Hebrew University professors, tourists and explorers like myself than actual Breslav Hasidim, but the spiritual power came from the small core of Breslavers. I knew that Breslav was not my community, but when I prayed “my” modern shuls, we never reached the heights of the Hasidic prayer. AS the Israeli scholar Ernst Simon said, “the people I liked to daven with, I couldn’t talk to, and the people I talked with I didn’t care to daven with.” [download to read more]